Aptos 解锁近 2500 万个 APT 代币,价值超过 2 亿美元

APT Aptos 代币 币价 美元 2023-12-29 55

摘要:然而,Aptos 在 10 月份遭遇了长达5 小时的宕机,促使包括 Binance、OKX 和 Upbit 在内的一些加密货币交易所暂时暂停了 APT 的充值和提现。Aptos 是一个相对较新的第 1 层区块链,基于 Meta 开发的 Move 编程语言,旨在为其他网络提供更快、更具可扩展性的替代方案。...

Layer 1 blockchain Aptos, founded by former Meta executives, has issued 24.8 million tokens. According to data, the current token value is approximately $201.7 million, accounting for 8.9% of its circulating supply.

The majority (approximately $96.4 million) of the tokens have flowed to core contributors. Data shows that $68.4 million has gone to investors, $26.1 million to the community, and $10.8 million to the Aptos Foundation.

Based on price data, after releasing the same amount of APT tokens during the unlock period on November 12th, the price of APT dropped by 13.4% in the following 9 days from $7.82, before recovering. The current trading price of the token is $8.09, rising by 3.4% since the last unlock amidst a generally bullish cryptocurrency market.

Aptos is a relatively new Layer 1 blockchain, based on the Move programming language developed by Meta, aiming to provide a faster and more scalable alternative for other networks. However, Aptos experienced a 5-hour downtime in October, prompting some cryptocurrency exchanges including Binance, OKX, and Upbit to temporarily suspend APT deposits and withdrawals.
