
SuperRare联合创始人John Crain最近在一篇文章中表示,RARE代币和协议合约很快将在Base上线。L2正在改变游戏规则,尤其是低成本的铸造现在是L2上主要的NFT用例。Crain对利用L1资产的L2拍卖机制表示浓厚兴趣,团队目前正在通过Chainlink CCIP进行探索,并希望在夏季实现低成本的快速拍卖,为用户提供具有L1安全性的L2用户体验。 SuperRare is excited to announce that our native $RARE token and protocol contracts are coming to Polygon, a leading edge Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution. This means that by the end of July, the SuperRare NFT marketplace will be fully operational on Polygon, offering instant trade confirmation, near-zero gas fees, and a superior user experience.", Crain said. "These are game-changing features that will make SuperRare more accessible to a wider audience, and significantly lower the barriers of entry for digital art collectors. We're excited to be pioneering this new territory with our partners at Polygon, and can't wait to see the positive impact this will have on the SuperRare community."